Map & Imagery Library Policies
- Food/Drink – Eating and drinking are not permitted in the Map & Imagery Library. Sealable drink containers are allowed so long as they remain closed and unused.
- Noise – The Map & Imagery Library is considered a group study area. Conversation is permitted but should be kept at a reasonable volume.
Circulation of materials is limited to UF-affliated faculty, staff, students, and special library borrowers. Most materials held in the main public area circulate. Exceptions include anything in locked drawers, blueprints, pre-1950s maps, and brittle materials. Circulating maps are loaned out in tubes for their protection and should not be folded. Globes can be checked out by instructors for use in classes. The Map & Imagery Library also has GPS units available to be checked out for one week at the front desk.
- Circulating Items: Maps, 1950-Present, Regular-sized Books/Atlases, 1950-Present, CDs, GPS Units
- Non-circulating Items: Maps, pre-1950, Regular-sized Books/Atlases, pre-1950, Oversized Books/Atlases, Aerial photography, Satellite imagery, Globes
The Map & Imagery Library currently has five computer workstations available for patron use (software listed below). One workstation is connected to an 11 X 17 inch scanner. Patrons must sign on using their GatorLink account, or a temporary username/password obtained at the front desk. Additional equipment in the Map & Imagery Library includes a light table and stereoscopes for viewing aerial photography pairs.
Software List:
- Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Notepad, Paint, Wordpad)
- GoogleEarth
- ArcGIS
- ERADAS Imagine (temporarily unavailable)
- Internet Browsers (Google Chrome, IE 9, Mozilla Firefox)
- In addition to, Adobe Air, Adobe Flash player, Adobe Reader, Adobe Shockwave, Alternatiff plugin, Apple Quicktime, DjVu plugin, Flipshare, iTunes, Pharos/Canon print software, Real Player (Enterprise version), Silverlight 4.0, VLC, Write n Cite III by Ref Works
There are no printers in the Map & Imagery Library but all of the computers can print to any of the printers found in the UF Libraries. For more information, including the locations of other printers, please visit the Smathers Libraries printing page.